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2005-2011, Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology, University of Murcia (Spain).


2011, Undergraduate researcher (“Beca de Colaboración”), Faculty of Biology, University of Murcia, Spain.


2009-2012,Colaborating in Department Hydrology and Ecology and Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Murcia, Spain.


2012, Master Biodiversity management in Mediterranean environments. Upper first class with the title studies "Water beetles tolerance to salinity and anionic composition in relation to habitat occupancy”. (Honours). Faculty of Biology, University of Murcia (Spain).


2013, Stay in Doñana Biological Station- CSIC, Seville (Spain). Duration: September and December of 2013. Supervisor: Andy Green. Financed by Fundanción privada Esteban Romero.


2014, Predoctoral researcher funding from the Spanish Severo Ochoa Program (SEV-2012-0262),  EBD, CSIC – University of Pablo Olavide, Spain.




National awards in the Certamen Arquímedes, 2012, Madrid (Spain).

-Awards to stay CSIC

-Accesit awards

-Best study of research. Award in 2013*

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